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Effects of Photographic Evidence on Mock Juror Judgement

NCJ Number
Journal of Applied Social Psychology Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Dated: (January/February 1982) Pages: 30-41
D H Whalen; F A Blanchard
Date Published
12 pages
A study investigated the effects of three levels of visual evidence (color and black and white photographs, no photograph) on 144 female subjects' monetary awards to an injured plaintiff in a factorial design.
Also manipulated were two levels of the severity of the plaintiff's injury and three levels of defendant blame. As predicted, a significant three-way interaction was observed such that the magnitude of the difference in monetary damages awarded the more and less severely injured plaintiff was greatest in the presence of the color photograph depicting injuries and when defendant blame was high. An emotional arousal interpretation for the effects of photographic evidence is tentatively offered. A chart and 18 references are given. (Author abstract modified)


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