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Effects of Residential Treatment on Adjudicated Delinquents - A Meta-Analysis

NCJ Number
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Volume: 22 Issue: 4 Dated: (November 1985) Pages: 287-308
C J Garrett
Date Published
22 pages
Recent trends toward a more punitive approach to juvenile crime have been heavily influenced by a body of review literature reporting that the traditional treatment approach is ineffective. The opinion that 'nothing works' is largely based on reviews of the treatment literature. These reviews generally fail to document the amount of change associated with treatment.
A meta-analysis of the primary research literature produced since 1960 was undertaken to assess the amount of change associated with various treatments of adjudicated delinquents. There were 111 studies identified that used a comparison group or pre-post design. Results indicated that treatment of adjudicated delinquents resulted in a positive change of .37 standard deviations. No consistent evidence on the relative efficacy of behavioral versus psychodynamic approaches was found. Recidivism was modestly reduced; institutional adjustment, psychological adjustment, and academic performance were all improved following treatment. The results of the meta-analysis suggest that treatment of adjudicated delinquents in an institutional or community residential setting does 'work.' (Author abstract)