In this article, researchers present results of an efficacy trial of an evidence-based intervention adapted for use on the internet with Hispanic families.
This study evaluating the efficacy of eHealth Familias Unidas, an Internet adaptation of an evidence-based family intervention for Hispanics, found significant intervention effects across time for drug use, prescription drug use, and cigarette use. While eHealth Familias Unidas positively affected family functioning, mediation effects were not found. This study demonstrated that family-based eHealth interventions can be efficacious among Hispanic populations when delivered in community settings. A randomized controlled trial design (n = 230) was used to evaluate intervention effects on substance use and condomless sex among a sample of Hispanic eighth graders with behavioral problems. Participants were randomized to eHealth Familias Unidas (n = 113) or prevention as usual (n = 117) and assessed at baseline and 3 and 12 months post baseline. Researchers trained mental health school personnel and community mental health professionals to recruit and deliver the Internet-based intervention with Hispanic families. It was hypothesized that, over time, eHealth Familias Unidas would be more efficacious than prevention as usual in reducing drug use (marijuana, cocaine, inhalants, and other drugs), prescription drug use, cigarette use, alcohol use, and condomless sex and that these changes would be mediated by family functioning. While substance use and sexual risk behaviors among Hispanic youth continue to be public health concerns, few evidence-based preventive interventions have been developed for and implemented with Hispanic/Latino youth. (Published Abstract Provided)
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