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Elder Abuse and Neglect - Recommendations From the Research Conference on Elder Abuse and Neglect

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
Recommendations stemming from a 1985 Research Conference on Elder Abuse and Neglect deal with defining elder abuse and neglect, research design and methodology, and research uses in policymaking and practice.
Recommendations in the first area consider what properly constitutes abuse and neglect, the need for precise and empirically validated definition and distinctions among abuse types (e.g., physical, psychological, emotional), and the notions of self-abuse and self-neglect. In the area of research design, needs were identified in the areas of national incidence and prevalence, victim and offender characteristics, and cross-cultural analysis. Victimization surveys and comparison group designs also were recommended, as was the development of standandardized data collection systems across State and local agencies. Finally, it was suggested that existing intervention programs be systematically evaluated, that demonstration projects be developed, and that the impact of regulatory and legislative initiatives be assessed. The establishment of a national clearinghouse for research on elder abuse and neglect also was recommended, as was greater collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners. A list of conference participants is appended.


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