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Empowering Families in Child Protection Cases: An Implementation Evaluation of Hawai'i's 'Ohana Conferencing Program

NCJ Number
Melissa M. Litchfield; Jason A. Oetjen; Dionne M. Maxwell Ph.D.; Sophia I. Gatowski Ph.D.; Shirley A. Dobbin Ph.D.
Date Published
April 2003
95 pages
This report presents the evaluation results of 'Ohana’s Conferencing Program.
Family group conferencing (FGC) is a model utilized by family welfare systems that brings together members of the child’s family, extended kin networks, and members of the child’s community in order to develop a comprehensive plan for the child’s safety. The FGC model changes the systematic child welfare response to at-risk children by centralizing the role of family and community networks. This evaluation was undertaken in order to examine whether the degree to which the 'Ohana Conferencing Program realizes the basic ideology, policies, and practices of the FGC model. The evaluation occurred between January 1, 1998, and March 31, 1999. The report includes six chapters; chapter 1 offers an introduction to the concept of the FGC model and the evaluation goals, while chapter 2 describes the evaluation methodology. Chapter 3 delves into the principles and processes of the FGC model, while chapter 4 explores the implementation of the FGC model in 'Ohana. Chapter 5 outlines the specifics of governance, administration, staffing, and training involved in the 'Ohana Conferencing Program, while chapter 6 presents the evaluation results. In short, the evaluation methodology involved an assessment of the program’s guiding theory and how that theory is reflected in the program’s practices and policies. A content analysis of the ‘Ohana Program Materials, Policies, and Training Manuals was coupled with interviews with program staff, facilitators, administrators, caseworkers, and Family Court Judges. A Participant Feedback Form was also utilized to gain the perspective of those who participated in conferences and a similar form was utilized for case workers. Evaluation results revealed that the 'Ohana Conferencing Program embodies the key values of the FGC model; evaluators recommend that the 'Ohana program develop a list of specific and measurable program goals in order to better implement the FGC model. Another key evaluation finding indicates that the 'Ohana program is sensitive to a family’s cultural background, a key component of the FGC model. Other findings suggest that the 'Ohana program is an effective tool for case plan development and that the program facilitates collaborative efforts to strengthen the protection and safety of children. Overall, the 'Ohana program is a success in building community support for the benefit of children.


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