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Ending Violence in Families: A Training Program for Pastoral Care Workers

NCJ Number
R Morris
Date Published
78 pages
This training program was developed by Canada's Ecumenical Family Ministries to address issues faced by volunteer and professional pastoral care workers in dealing with family violence.
Objectives of the training program are to raise the level of consciousness about the extent of family violence in communities and church congregations, to help people who work in the church setting identify and be sensitive to the possibility of family violence, and to offer practical suggestions for effective intervention in violent family situations. The training guide encompasses theological family violence, child abuse, elder abuse, violence women, and issues facing the church in family violence prevention. Worksheets and resources to facilitate family violence investigation and the provision of community services are included. Protection plans for use by women, the elderly, and adolescents in abusive situations are provided, along with an annotated bibliography on wife assault, elder abuse, and child abuse.


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