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Enlightenment From Within - The South Dakota Experience With Victim Rights

NCJ Number
Justice System Journal Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Dated: (Winter 1985) Pages: 325-338
M B Tice
Date Published
14 pages
This article will outline the efforts made to develop a program to improve South Dakota's criminal justice system's response to the plight of victims and witnesses.
South Dakota has taken a unique approach in its concern for victims. Rather than reacting to outside pressure, we have developed a process to examine our justice system as a whole from the inside. The process, established by the Chief Justice of South Dakota, has enabled us to evaluate the needs of victims creatively and, because we, as members of his committee, are all involved with the system, we can more effectively change it from within. It is my hope that others might find our process useful in developing similar approaches in other areas for the benefit of victims, witnesses, and the justice system. (Publisher abstract)