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European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI): Evaluation of New Commercial STR Multiplexes That Include the European Standard Set (ESS) of Markers

NCJ Number
Forensic Science International: Genetics Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Dated: December 2012 Pages: 819-826
L.A. Welch; P. Gill; C. Phillips; R. Ansell; N. Morling; W. Parsons; J.U. Palo; I. Bastisch
Date Published
December 2012
8 pages
This study examined the European initiative to increase the European set of standard markers (ESS) by the addition of five new loci, a collaborative project was organised by the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) DNA working group in order to assess the new multiplex kits available.
To support and to underpin the European initiative to increase the European set of standard markers (ESS), by the addition of five new loci, a collaborative project was organized by the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) DNA working group in order to assess the new multiplex kits available. The authors have prepared allele frequency databases from 26 EU populations. Concordance studies were carried out to verify that genotyping results were consistent between kits. Population genetics studies were conducted and it was estimated that F(ST) less than 0.001. The results showed that the kits were comparable to each other in terms of performance and major discrepancy issues were highlighted. The authors provide details of allele frequencies for each of the populations analyzed per laboratory. (Published Abstract)