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European Region Before the United Nations Eighth Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders

NCJ Number
EuroCriminology Volume: 3 Dated: (1990) Pages: 3-8
J Sokalski
Date Published
6 pages
This welcome address to participants of the United Nations Eighth Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders identifies the special contribution of Europe to Congress preparations, the common features of criminality that countries share, the strategy of the Congress, and methods and instruments of implementation.
The intent of the Congress is to follow a two-pronged strategy: to devote adequate attention to standard-setting and new model international instruments and to direct energies to monitoring the implementation of decisions reached at previous Congresses as policy directives for international action. In the effort to realize a collective and effective response to the contemporary crime picture, the United Nations Secretariat can do its best by applying a consistent but selective approach to the numerous mandates of the successive Congresses and the United Nations legislative bodies. This complex task can be addressed in three ways: to focus on carefully selected priorities of action, to intensify the operational and technical cooperation activities, and to seek extra-budgetary resources to strengthen the existing human and organizational infrastructure within the United Nations Secretariat.