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Evaluation of Home-Based Programs for Teaching Personal Safety Skills to Children

NCJ Number
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1988) Pages: 81-87
R G Miltenberger; E Thiesse-Duffy
Date Published
7 pages
The efficacy was evaluated of a commercially-available program the "Red Flag, Green Flag Prevention Book" used by parents in 15 families to teach their 24 children personal safety skills.
Children's knowledge and skills regarding the prevention of sexual abuse and abduction were assessed prior to, during, and after training. In one group, training consisted of parents using the prevention book only to train their children. Parents of children in the second group used the prevention book with added instruction. Training with the prevention book did not produce criterion performance in any subjects in either the four to five age group or the five to six age group whether or not added instructions were provided. The use of behavioral skills training then produced criterion performance in all subjects for all assessment procedures. Follow-up probes two months later showed skill maintenance among the older children. Parents reported satisfaction with the procedures and no signs of behavioral or emotional problems following the follow-up probe. 11 references, 1 table, and 4 figures (Author abstract modified)