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Evaluation of a Social Norms Marketing Project for Tobacco Prevention with Middle, High, and College Students: Use of Funds From the Tobacco Master Settlement (Virginia)

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Education Volume: 35 Issue: 3 Dated: 2005 Pages: 185-200
Jeanne Martino-McAllister Ph.D.; Maria Theresa Wessel Ed.D.
Date Published
16 pages
This paper presents the results of an evaluation of the Anti-Tobacco Media Blitz (ATMB), a social-norms marketing program implemented in Virginia targeting the general youth population.
The Anti-Tobacco Media Blitz (ATMB) program has been successful in getting a number of students involved in the campaign. However, the Tobacco Use Prevention Survey indicated limited success in students identifying peer’s attitudes and behaviors regarding smoking. The ATMB was implemented in the City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, VA through funds awarded by the Virginia Tobacco Settlement Foundation. As a social marketing campaign, it had the potential to reach all students in the targeted age range, 12 to 18. The ATMB was utilized for tobacco prevention with middle and high school students. Students, working in teams, designed, developed, and evaluated tobacco-free messages through posters, radio, television, and peer-led activities. This paper discusses the procedures of this program, the five-step social norms marketing model, emphasizing the student-centered evaluation and results. Tables, figure, and references