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Examination of Content Preference in Offender Profiles

NCJ Number
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Volume: 54 Issue: 3 Dated: June 2010 Pages: 412-429
Gareth Norris; Emma Rafferty; Jacqueline Campbell
Date Published
June 2010
18 pages
This study explored the reactions of two very different groups, police officers and psychology students, to their preferences for the same information presented in the form of an offender profile.
This study examined preferences for the content of offender profiles between two different groups of participants to assess the importance of presentation style and linguistic emphasis. The sample consisted of 70 undergraduate psychology students and 30 serving police officers who were each presented with a case study and three profiles constructed to represent three stylistically different representations of the offender. The accompanying questionnaire indicated significant differences in the profile selection between police officers and students, and also, more important, some disparity in the way these preferences are articulated and justified. Detailed analysis of results and suggestions for future research are also included. Tables, appendixes, and references (Published Abstract)