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Expecting the Unexpected? Expectations for Future Success Among Adolescent First-Time Offenders

NCJ Number
Child Development Volume: 89 Issue: 6 Dated: 2019 Pages: E535-E551
Alissa. Mahler; Adam Fine; Paul J. Rick; Laurence Steinberg; Elizabeth Cauffman
Date Published
9 pages
Regarding data entry information and resources, online access is provided for the PMT Information and Resources page, which provides information on performance measures frequently asked questions, recorded webinar trainings, and grantee user guide. This resource guide also presents the Reporting Calendar, which lists dates for reporting periods, the type of data required for each reporting period, the PMT due date, and whether and when to upload a report to the Grants Management System. This guide provides eight tips pertinent to the BJA PMT data entry that relates to log-in reviewing and updating the profile page, entering data, creating a report, and what to include in the upload. The guide also displays various PMT symbols and explains their meaning. The symbols pertain to an error message, lost data, information update. the red button, and the editing of submitted data.
The study also addressed whether improved behavior raised expectations about the future. The study used autoregressive latent trajectory modeling with structured residuals to examine the within-person cross-lagged associations between expectations and behavior. The results indicated that positive expectations reduced offending and improved grades, which were in turn associated with higher expectations. Although raising expectations may improve outcomes following an arrest, ensuring adolescents have the tools to meet their goals may be an effective way to raise expectations. (publisher abstract modified)