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Facilitation of Sexual Pleasure via Hypnosis: A Case for the Court

NCJ Number
Contemporary Hypnosis Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Dated: 1998 Pages: 118-124
Frank J. Vingoe
Date Published
7 pages
This report discusses a case in Great Britain in which the defendant was interested in hypnosis and was charged with the rape of his stepson's 15-year-old female friend, who had asked him whether hypnosis could increase sexual pleasure and was apparently hypnotized and involved in sexual intercourse following a party.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) initially referred the case to the author as an expert witness; later the author received a letter from an attorney who reported that the CPS had forwarded the author's report to the law firm partly because it seemed to provide more support for the defendant than the claimant. Issues that the expert witness presented at the trial included the young woman's motivation, the influence of alcohol on hypnotic responsivity, awareness during hypnosis, coercion, controllability, and simulation. The jury concluded that the young woman was not hypnotized and returned a verdict of Guilty of Unlawful Intercourse. Mitigation resulted in a sentence of 9 months, suspended for 2 years. 20 references