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Family and Addictions: An Introduction

NCJ Number
Family Relations Volume: 38 Issue: 3 Dated: (July 1989) Pages: 254-257
R A Lewis
Date Published
4 pages
This discussion of the relationship between dysfunctional families and addictions emphasizes the role of a family systems approach in the effective treatment of juvenile drug abuse and summarizes other articles on families and addictions.
Dysfunctional family life often contributes to the development of various addictions in family members, and these addictions negatively affect the behavior and relationships of family members. However, 10 years ago addiction treatment rarely brought other family members directly into the treatment of the identified addict. However, family therapy is now the treatment of choice for most drug abusers. Four years of research at Purdue University has focused on helping teenagers end drug abuse and preventing their younger siblings from ever using drugs. The project aims to provide drug intervention services to entire families, to train existing professionals to provide the programs, to promote community networks for coordinating and improving addiction services to families and youth, and to conduct evaluative research on the relative effectiveness of the programs. Program evaluations have shown that outpatient family therapy can help the majority of adolescents eliminate or greatly reduce their drug use. 17 references.


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