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Family Violence: Legislative Update Volume 1

NCJ Number
Date Published
100 pages
This document discusses trends in family violence legislation that emerged in 1995.
The most recent changes in State domestic violence legislation are quite significant and overwhelmingly positive for victims. Quite a few States are engaged in multi-year efforts to review, analyze, and enact sections of the Model Code on Domestic and Family Violence that will enhance or improve the existing legal structure in their State. There are State laws related to the Federal Violence Against Women Act; restrictions on access to, or possession of, firearms by perpetrators of domestic violence; laws against insurance discrimination aimed at domestic violence victims; and legal presumptions about child custody and visitation awards to parents that are perpetrators of domestic and family violence. Many States have expanded their definitions relating to domestic violence to include dating, engagement, and romantic or sexual relationships. The relatively new stalking laws were refined or strengthened in a number of States. Fifteen States have passed legislation that give full faith and credit to protection orders issued in other States. Almost half the States have established, or are in the process of establishing, statewide registries for protection orders. Domestic violence education for law enforcement personnel, judges and court personnel, attorneys, health care providers, and the general public is increasing in importance. Domestic Violence Task Forces or State Advisory Councils have been legislatively established in many States to study the problem of domestic violence and make recommendations. The establishment of domestic violence fatality review teams is a growing trend. Many States have recently expanded civil protection order relief to include such things as custody of children, economic relief, electronic monitoring, and confiscation of weapons.


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