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Family Violence: Legislative Update Volume 2

NCJ Number
Date Published
96 pages
This document discusses the trends and innovations of family violence legislation.
A review of State-by-State summaries and charts shows that 1996 legislatures passed a lot of very helpful laws about domestic and family violence. States passed measures that improved access, relief, and enforcement of protection orders. Some States have addressed the issue of accountability for batterers by enhancing penalties, firearms restrictions, mandatory jail time, and the development of batterers treatment programs. Other States are beginning to define the role of child welfare agencies in families with battered mothers and children. A number of States have mandated training for a variety of professionals, including judges. But much work remains to be done in the areas of child custody and visitation, and violence prevention. States have continued to pass laws that bring them into compliance with requirements for funding under the Violence Against Women Act, and that help them to implement the act. Hawaii joined the 10 States that had previously passed a version of the Model Code custody presumption. Four additional States addressed domestic violence as a factor in determining custody that is in the best interest of the child. In addition to the 6 States that passed the first insurance discrimination laws relating to domestic violence victims in 1995, 10 States passed such laws in 1996. The typical law prohibits an insurer from denying or refusing coverage or refusing to pay claims or increasing premiums because a person is a victim or potential victim of abuse.


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