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Family Violence Reporting Program, Law Enforcement Semiannual Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
15 pages
This report of the Connecticut State Police on family violence arrest cases for the January 1 through June 30, 1992 period presents data on the number of incidents by offense, sex of victims and offenders, age of participants, relationship and sex of participants, weapons used, prior orders, and extent of injury.
The Connecticut State Police report 10,045 incidents of family violence in which at least one person was arrested during the first half of 1992, a 6.4-percent decrease for the same period of 1991. The most serious offense for which arrest was made was assault in 40.6 percent of cases. Three- fourths of all parties arrested were male; 82 percent of victims were female. More than half (58.9 percent) of the participants were between the ages of 21 and 35. Seventeen percent of the cases involved prior court orders. Serious injury occurred in 2.3 percent of the incidents. Children either were present or involved directly in 44.5 percent of family violence incidents. 7 tables