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FBI Analysis of Terrorist Incidents in the United States 1986

NCJ Number
Date Published
65 pages
This Federal Bureau of Investigation report presents a graphic display of terrorist incidents; a comparison of terrorist incidents; summaries of domestic groups responsible for terrorist incidents, suspected terrorist incidents, terrorist incidents prevented, and terrorist- related activities; major accomplishments of the terrorism program; efforts of the hostage rescue team; and an analysis of terrorism in the United States (1980-1986).

The graphic display of terrorist incidents portrays a chronological listing of terrorist incidents; terrorist incidents by type, group, and number; and a U.S. map of terrorist incidents. Terrorist incidents are compared by targets, type, terrorist group, number of terrorist incidents, number killed and injured, bombings, and region. A review of the terrorist groups responsible for domestic terrorism focuses on Puerto Rican terrorist groups, Jewish terrorist groups, and Aryan Nation affiliates. The review of major accomplishment of the U.S. terrorism program addresses both international and domestic terrorism. The analysis of terrorism in the U.S. for 1980-86 profiles the geography of terrorism in the U.S., prevention efforts, and international and domestic terrorist threats in the U.S.