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Federal Money Laundering Cases, 2002

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2002
197 pages
This book is a collection of Federal court case decisions interpreting money laundering offenses and the conspiracy to commit money laundering under the Federal Money Laundering Statutes 18 U.S.C. 1956, 1957, 1960, and the civil and criminal forfeiture statutes 18 U.S.C. 981, 982, and 984.
Since the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986, a series of statues have been passed to prohibit money laundering and the conspiracy to commit money laundering. Codified as 18 U.S.C. 1956, 1957, 1960 and 18 U.S.C. 981, 982, and 984 are the Federal money laundering statutes and the civil and criminal forfeiture statutes, respectively. This book presents the Federal court case decisions that have arisen from the passage of these statutes. Arranged topically, the cases presented in this book address elements of the respective statutes and sentencing. The first set of cases discusses money laundering, and the second set of cases discusses what may be forfeited under the money laundering statues. Cases in the money laundering section are categorized as: transaction, financial transaction, financial institution, interstate commerce, “conducts” financial transaction, knowledge requirement, proceeds, merger issues, intent to promote, intent to evade taxes, conceal or disguise, intent to evade reporting requirements, transaction offenses under Section 1956(a)(2), sting cases, Section 1957, Section 1960, attempt, aiding and abetting, conspiracy, civil money laundering enforcement, form of indictment, joinder and severance, statute of limitations, opening and closing statements, jury instructions, guilty plea, corporate liability, sentencing, double jeopardy, ex post facto clause, extradition, extraterritorial jurisdiction, venue, speedy trail, constitutionality, legislative history, Department of Justice guidelines, attorney prosecutions and fees, treaty violations, authority to investigate, subpoenas for bank records, admissibility of evidence, Brady violations, search and seizure, consequences of money laundering convictions, and money laundering as object of travel offences. Comprising a shorter listing of court cases, the section of this book presenting cases on what may be forfeited under the money laundering statues includes: property involved in a money laundering offense, tracing, other forfeiture statutes, jury instructions, litigation issues/problems of proof, innocent owner defense, criminal forfeiture, excessive fine, double jeopardy, parallel civil forfeiture and criminal prosecution, use of money laundering forfeiture to recover proceeds, and international money laundering.


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