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Felons Paroled and Discharged, Fiscal Year 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
19 pages
This report presents tables of statistical data concerning the number of felons paroled and discharged in Virginia in fiscal year 1980.
A total of 139 felons were discharged in fiscal year 1980, which ended June 30, 1980. Of these, 103, or 74.1 percent, were first releases; 29, or 20.9 percent, were discharged after having been returned as mandatory parole violators; and 7, or 5 percent, were discretionary parole violators. More than half (83) of the discharged felons had committed offenses against property, and 32 had committed offenses against persons. Felons discretionarily paroled in 1980 numbered 1,693, and 95.7 percent of these were first releases. A total of 1,674 felons were mandatorily paroled in 1980 and, of these, 88.5 percent were first releases. A total of 3,506 felons were either discharged or paroled in 1980. The average time served by all parolees and discharges was 28 months; the median time served was 20 months. Among the other outgoing felons, there were 2 felons pardoned, 18 released by court order, and 11 who died. Tables make up most of the report. (Author summary modified)