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Female Homicide-Suicide Perpetrators - A Controlled Study

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Dated: (October 1985) Pages: 1148-1156
D A Fishbain; V J Rao; T E Aldrich
Date Published
9 pages
The record files of the Dade County Medical Examiner Department were reviewed and 133 homicide-suicides were identified.
Of these, ten (or 0.75 percent) were female perpetrated. The chart data of these 10 female homicide-suicide perpetrators, chart data of 50 female homicide-suicide victims, and 50 individual female suicides systematically selected as controls were tabulated using a standardized instrument. The results were analyzed for differences using simple statistical methods. The comparisons reveal that female homicide-suicide perpetrators were more likely than female homicide-suicide victims to live in mobile homes, kill their lover or ex-lover, have their crime accidentally discovered, leave a suicide note, kill on a weekend, and be depressed, but are less likely than with a spouse. Additionally, female homicide-suicide perpetrators were more likely than individual female suicides to live in mobile homes but less likely to live alone and to be depressed. (Author abstract)


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