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Females Executed for Crimes Committed While Under Age Eighteen

NCJ Number
V L Streib
Date Published
3 pages
This report presents individual case summaries for the nine female juveniles (under age 18) executed in American jurisdictions between 1642 and 1985.
Of the 271 juveniles lawfully executed during this period, only 9 were females. Their ages at the time of the crimes ranged from 12 to 17, and at the time of the executions ages ranged from 12 to 19. Eight were black and one was an American Indian. Eight committed murder, and one committed robbery. Six victims were children, and three were adults. Eight of the nine victims were white. The last execution of a female juvenile was in 1912, but two females are currently on death row for crimes committed while they were under 18 years old. (Author summary modified)