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Feminist Explanations: Male Power, Hostility, and Sexual Coercion (From Sexual Coercion: A Sourcebook on its Nature, Causes and Prevention, P 61-73, 1991, Elizabeth Grauerholz, Mary A Koralewski, eds. -- See NCJ-128585)

NCJ Number
W E Stock
Date Published
13 pages
This chapter applies a feminist analysis to explain the presence of sexual coercion in our society.
It discusses rape as a power-motivated crime, male dominance and sexual coercion, sexual coercion as a learned social control of women, pornography as the cultural eroticization of sexual coercion, and sexual coercion as sexual terrorism. The feminist analysis defines sexual coercion as power-motivated and upholding a system of male dominance. The nature of sexual coercion as socially-constructed, learned behavior is linked to socialization influences that affect males, particularly pornography. A definition of the feminist approach to sexual coercion has three components: acknowledgment of the gender differential in power; acknowledgment of how these disparities in power affect all social interactions between women and men as well as individual behavior and psychological issues; and acknowledgment of the principle of hegemonic control. A discussion of sexual coercion as sexual terrorism concludes the chapter. Sexual terrorism is defined as a system by which males frighten, thereby controlling and dominating, females. Sexual terrorism has five components: ideology, propaganda, indiscriminate and amoral violence, voluntary compliance, and society's perception of the terrorist and the terrorized.


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