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On the Fire Line: Fighting Arson at School

NCJ Number
School Safety Update Dated: (March 1995) Pages: complete issue
J L Arnette
Date Published
8 pages
These articles examine school arson and present ways that this problem can be reduced through attention to the building, to interagency cooperation, and to students with behavior or other problems.

Juveniles who set fires come from every social class, ethnic group, and age level. They often have behavioral warning signs. School fires often involve current or former students with current or past problems with teachers or peers. Some students set fires to avoid a boring class; they typically set these fires in bathroom trash containers. Other arsonists set and then report fires to make themselves appear to be heroes. School officials should involve representatives from the fire department and local law enforcement agency to develop effective anti-arson strategies. One of the simplest strategies is to keep the school uncluttered. Strategies are also needed to care for vacant or abandoned buildings or campuses. Strategies such as rewards address the problem after the arson has occurred. Strategies developed to prevent workplace arson are also appropriate for schools. Description of New Zealand's program and 1995 School Safety Leadership Training courses