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Fitness Interview Test - A Method for Examining Fitness To Stand Trial

NCJ Number
R Roesch; C D Webster; D Eaves
Date Published
94 pages
This Canadian monograph describes the development of a structured interview and rating scale for assessing fitness and competency to stand trial.
The Fitness Interview Test (FIT) is based on a scale developed in the United States, the Competency Assessment Instrument. In this study, the scale was adapted to make it more useful for Canadian criminal justice systems and extended to include a more explicit focus on mental health status issues. Two studies were conducted to test the FIT both in terms of its reliability among professional groups and to see whether inexperienced raters could be taught to administer the scale to patients effectively. Reports on these studies, together with the complete manual for administration of the FIT, form the basis for this monograph. Eight tables, one figure, and 30 references are supplied. The FIT, consent forms, and a FIT training measure are appended. (Author summary modified)