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Five Ways to Develop a Skilled Staff

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 54 Issue: 5 Dated: (July 1992) Pages: 108-116
R J DeGraff
Date Published
9 pages
Correctional training managers seeking ways to provide quality training while simultaneously streamlining their programs should consider five methods of training: on-the- job, college partnership, computer-based, self-directed, and teleconferencing.
Field training officer (FTO) programs and mentor programs are two types of on-the-job training that have proven to be effective and flexible. FTO programs provide a bridge between academy training and on-the-job performance, while mentor programs offer a systematic, developmental process to help people strengthen their skills over an extended period of time. Partnerships with educational institutions can be formed by having a college conduct a specific course on an outreach or contractual basis or by establishing an entire college-based training program. Computer-based training consists largely of tutorials, drills and practice, instructional games, modeling, simulation, and problem-solving. Self-directed learning centers use a multimedia approach to allow students to schedule their time, plan their curriculum, and manage their education. Teleconferencing and videoconferencing allow agencies to train individuals in large geographical areas; their advantages include speed, impact, interaction, cohesion, and consistency. 12 references