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Florida County Detention Facilities, 1996 Annual Report

NCJ Number
S Heuston
Date Published
24 pages
This summary report on county detention facilities in Florida provides an annual profile of the State's detention facility inmate populations; monthly average daily population (ADP) figures include male, female, adult, and juvenile inmates.
The first table illustrates county jail populations over the 7-year period from 1990 to 1996. Population figures for 1996 are arranged into felony, misdemeanor, and other categories. Other categories include the number of parole violators, State inmates, undocumented aliens, holdings for other jurisdictions, and individuals detained under the Baker (mental health) and Myers (alcoholism) acts. Within both felony and misdemeanor subcategories, the number of inmates sentenced, held for trial or sentencing, and detained or sentenced for probation violations are listed. The second table features average 1996 populations in county jails and average incarceration rates by county. The third table lists average 1996 populations by facility, the fourth table shows the average 1996 felony pretrial population by facility and month, and the final table shows the average 1996 misdemeanor pretrial population by facility and month. The data show 73.7 percent of the total inmate population in 1996 were incarcerated for felony offenses, while 20.6 percent were detained for misdemeanor crimes. Juveniles accounted for only 2.7 percent of the overall inmate population, the majority of those incarcerated in county detention facilities were male, and about 56 percent of offenders in county detention facilities were pretrial. 5 tables and 6 figures


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