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Florida Juvenile Justice Act and Community Control - Effect of Law on Occupational Role Perceptions

NCJ Number
Journal of Probation and Parole Issue: 13 Dated: (Fall 1981) Pages: 19-23
K E Winker
Date Published
5 pages
This paper examines the extent to which a significant change in State law (the substitution of 'community control' for the traditional concept of probation in dealing with juveniles in Florida) affects the perceptions and attitudes toward juvenile justice of youth probation counselors.
The study views law as an independent variable. A questionnaire was developed and administered to a small sample of youth counselors in order to examine the impact of the new law and how they viewed their role as 'community control officers.' Among the findings were that they perceived distinct role and function changes, although they continued to see their role primarily as that of youth counselor. They questioned the importance of due process rights for juveniles, while at the same time they viewed the new law as more punitive than its predecessor. Implications for both policy and future research are raised. Six references are supplied. (Author abstract modified)