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Florida's Recruitment Methods: Attracting and Retaining Valuable Employees

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Dated: June 2002 Pages: 76-79,119
Jo Ellyn Rackleff
Date Published
June 2002
5 pages
This article highlights the ways that the Florida Department of Corrections recruits and retains correctional employees.
This article discusses the successes met by the Florida Department of Corrections (DOC) in recruiting and retaining individuals to work in correctional facilities. Although recruiting and retaining individuals for careers in corrections is often a difficult challenge, the Florida DOC strives to create an atmosphere to attract and keep the best candidates. A team of personnel professionals and front line officers work together to explain employment benefits, conditions of employment, and potential fears of correctional facility employment to potential job candidates. DOC family members, local community colleges, and local workers often work as ambassadors for the DOC, providing the DOC with a positive image and community support. One of the largest employers in Florida, the DOC trains correctional officers with both classroom and on the job training in order to helps individuals quickly discover if they are cut out for correctional work. Recent increases in correctional officers salaries and statewide marketing have boosted Florida’s DOC recruitment numbers and led to low vacancy and turnover rates.