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Focus Group Study on Decision Processes of Young Drivers: Reasons That May Support a Decision to Drink and Drive

NCJ Number
Health Education Quarterly Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Dated: (Fall 1989) Pages: 388-396
C E Basch; I M DeCicco; J L Malfetti
Date Published
9 pages
Forty focus group discussions on driving and traffic safety for youthful drivers were held in Canada and the U.S. with 316 volunteers, 18-22 years of age.
Factors which might influence young people's decision to drink and drive were identified including inappropriate knowledge about alcohol and driving, a lack of decision making skills, and the tendency to ignore the increased danger of drinking and driving. Respondents rationalized their drinking and driving behavior while others drove intoxicated because they were unaware of the danger. In order to plan effective health education programs, it is essential to gain an improved understanding about the nature and extent of their factors. 13 references. (Author abstract modified)