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Foundations for Violence-Free Living: A Step-by-Step Guide to Facilitating Men's Domestic Abuse Groups

NCJ Number
D J Mathews
Date Published
236 pages
Based on the proven effectiveness of the Wilder Community Assistance Program, this guidebook presents the components and group activities for counselors to use in working with men in heterosexual relationships who have abused a partner.
The Wilder Men's Domestic Abuse Program was developed in 1981 in cooperation with the county community corrections department and family courts. The program provides men with education and support to help them identify, reduce, and eliminate violent behaviors in their relationships. It uses a combination of therapeutic approaches to confront values, attitudes, and behaviors toward women and others, especially in the areas of violence, abuse, power, control, and manipulation. This guidebook discusses the underlying philosophy and goals of the program. It describes how the program works with clients, including initial intake and individual counseling, some recommended policies, and special issues involved with facilitating these groups. A major section of the guidebook contains 29 activities, their accompanying worksheets, and guidelines for conducting each activity, as well as information about the kinds of issues counselors may encounter in each activity. Samples of all worksheets are provided. The group activities are categorized under the following topics: essential beginnings, steps toward insight, becoming accountable, tools for nonviolence, personal development, and evaluations.