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Future of Committals -- Conference Proceedings, May 1990

NCJ Number
J Vernon
Date Published
224 pages
The use of committal hearings in the processing of indictable criminal cases was addressed at this 1990 conference of the Australian Institute of Criminology.
Conference participants evaluated the committal process, the future of committal proceedings in New South Wales, and the case for retaining committals in their existing form. Participants also assessed proposed committal reform in New South Wales, committal proceedings in Victoria, the status of committals in the Australian Capital Territory, and disclosure of the prosecution's case before trial. Additional topics of interest at the conference were committal for trial and pretrial disclosure; defense lawyer, police, and victim/witness perspectives on committal hearings; publicity and committals; judicial review of committal proceedings for Federal offenses; and legal aid and committals. Finally, the conference considered committals, offense classification, and the jurisdiction of magistrate courts. An index of cases is included. References