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General Guidelines for Photographing Tire Impressions

NCJ Number
Date Published
October 2003
2 pages
This report presents general guidelines for photographing tire impressions to be used as forensic evidence.
Standard operating procedures should include at least five steps: (1) locate the visible impressions to be photographed; (2) photograph the overall view of the area with identifying markers for each impression; (3) photograph the midrange view of the impression area with an identifying marker; (4) photograph a close-up view (instructions provided); and (5) prepare the photographic log or worksheet according to agency policy. The report also provides a listing of recommended equipment, which includes a professional, 35 mm camera with interchangeable lenses; a macro lens; a remote shutter release; a variety of black-and-white and color negative film; a dedicated electronic flash with extension cable; and a tripod capable of many angles and positions. The report notes that digital cameras should not be used to photograph tire impression evidence until minimum resolution requirements have been developed.