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General Issue on Drug Abuse

NCJ Number
Bulletin on Narcotics Volume: 46 Issue: 2 Dated: (1994) Pages: 1-108
C van der Vaeren; P Williams; C Florez; M Gossop; M Butron; M Molla; T H Ong; R J Flanagan; R J Ives; B Remberg; A Nikiforov; G Buchbauer
Date Published
108 pages
Seven articles focus on various issues pertinent to countering various types of drug abuse and trafficking.
The first article examines the drug-control cooperation policy of the European Community and suggests that an integrated approach would increase the effectiveness of drug abuse prevention and the interdiction of drug trafficking. Another article identifies the key environmental factors relevant to the emergence of transnational criminal organizations and explores the intrinsic relationship between those organizations and their home and host states. The third article reports on a study of the patterns of cocaine use in relation to severity of dependence in a clinical sample of South American cocaine users. A fourth article examines changes in the psychological characteristics of drug abusers in a group counseling program, followed by an article that provides an overview of the prevalence, effects, diagnosis, and prevention of volatile substance abuse. A review of the development of opium characterization methods over 50 years is followed by the concluding article, which compares three advanced chromatographic techniques for cannabis identification. References, tables, and figures accompany the articles. For individual articles, see NCJ-157997-8001.


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