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NCJ Number
J M Johnson
Date Published
7 pages
This paper discusses the background, operation and implementation, and performance evaluation of the Georgia State Patrol's in-car video system.
Building on the success of the in-car video pilot project and, with funding from the shared proceeds of the confiscated drug money and contraband, Georgia's Department of Public Safety expanded in-car video systems to 200 vehicles of the Georgia State Patrol. The system consists of a color video camera, videotape recorder, and a control panel. The video system is supplemented with a wireless microphone to record dialogue on and off camera; newer systems have on-board monitors that allow troopers to see what the camera is recording. The special control panel and the video monitor are attached to the patrol car's dashboard beside the radio unit and are easily accessible to the trooper while driving. One of the essential aspects of the in-car video system is its ability to activate automatically when the officer switches on the emergency lights, simultaneously engaging the camera and the recording unit. As well as providing convincing court testimony, the system is an integral part of the patrol officer's training program. Experienced troopers working with training personnel review the videos of encounters and narrate the action to construct graphic training films. The on-board camera also is a constant reminder to troopers of their obligation to act professionally in all encounters with the public. The in-car video system must be tailored to each agency's specific needs.


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