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Guardian Angels - An Assessment of Citizen Response to Crime, Volume 3 - Research Methodology and Data Collection Instruments

NCJ Number
S Pennell; C Curtis; J Henderson
Date Published
187 pages
This volume describes the methodology and presents the data collection instruments for the evaluation of the crime prevention efforts of the Guardian Angels, a nationwide organization of citizen patrols.
The evaluation's purpose was to document the Angels' activities, assess their impact on crime and citizens' fear of crime, and describe features that differentiate them from other citizen patrols. Twenty-one Angels' chapters (nearly half) were included in the study. Eight cities were selected as primary sites (urban areas in Eastern and Western regions of the Nation). To determine the nature of police-Angel interaction and police attitudes toward the Angels, interviews were conducted with city and transit police administrators at the eight primary sites. The position of local governments toward the Angels was assessed through interviews with mayors and city administrative personnel in the eight cities. Twenty-five Angel leaders, representing 21 cities, responded to personal or telephone interviews about their chapters, and 117 members participated in personal or mailed interviews. Personal interviews were conducted with 110 merchants and 130 residents in San Diego areas where the Angels patrol. To determine the Angels' impact on crime, crime rates were compared in a San Diego neighborhood patrolled by the Angels and an unpatrolled control neighborhood. Interview questionnaires are provided. See NCJ 100911 and 100913 for other volumes.