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Guide to Enhancing Victim Services Within Probation and Parole

NCJ Number
D Beatty; L F Frank; A J Lurigio; A Seymour; M A Paparozzi; B M McGargle
Date Published
279 pages
The Offender Supervision and Victim Restitution Project was designed by the American Probation and Parole Association with funding from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office for Victims of Crime to develop guidelines that would improve the response of probation and parole professionals to the needs of crime victims through services incorporated into actual offender case management.
The project has four main objectives: (1) help probation and parole agencies assess the impact of crime on victims; (2) help probation and parole agencies manage court-ordered restitution to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of restitution collection; (3) examine probation and parole practices related to protecting crime victims; and (4) help probation and parole agencies evaluate victim services so that more effective service delivery can be achieved. Guidelines are presented to enhance victim services, particularly victim notification and restitution collection. The incorporation of victim services into probation and parole settings is discussed, as well as the need to emphasize the collection and management of victim restitution. Benefits of providing victim services in the probation and parole environment are examined, and procedures for developing and evaluating victim service programs and for assessing the impact of crime on victims are described. Consideration is also given to the importance of training, public awareness, accountability, effective probation and parole supervision, intermediate sanctions, and rights of defendants and victims. 85 references and 210 endnotes


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