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Guide to Non-Secure Juvenile Detention Practice

NCJ Number
Journal for Juvenile Justice and Detention Services Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1996) Pages: 19-32
J A Gaines Iv; R L Kelly; J P Treahy
Date Published
14 pages
This article describes non-secure juvenile detention practice; often described as "staff-secure" detention, the range of programs and services is explained based on the authors' experiences with these programs in New York State.
The statutory criteria for remand to nonsecure detention are the same as those for remand to traditional locked facilities. In the ideal world, the court's determination to opt for one level of restrictiveness over another will reflect how best to serve and protect the community and the youth. NSD programming is rooted in the philosophy of the least restrictive alternative in the detention and residential care of youth. It is consistent with the concept of the least intrusive intervention necessary to ensure a positive outcome for both youth and community. NSD attempts to fill the gap between traditional locked facilities and voluntary shelter care. This article outlines the features of various program models; these are the nonsecure detention institutional facility, the nonsecure detention group care facility, the nonsecure detention foster detention family, and home detention. Topics discussed are daily programming as a preventative measure, supervision and interaction, prevention of child abuse and maltreatment through staff training, and awareness of agency/facility plan for supervision. Other subjects addressed are awareness of statutory definitions and obligations, understanding the nature of crisis, and awareness of self. In discussing training in awareness of the environment, the topics considered are suicide risk, dangerous objects, dangerous locations, locations that might be threatening, stimulation versus de-stimulation, lighting, noise and sound, atmosphere and cleanliness, and color. In addressing training in awareness of youth, the subjects considered are youth rights, communication skills, physical intervention techniques, and recovery and life-space interview skills. Agency management issues examined are intra-agency relationships; confidentiality; medical and mental health services; visitation, mail, and telephone privileges; education; recreation; staff development; discharges; emergencies/on-call; intake/admissions; record keeping; runaways; safety; and security.


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