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Guidelines for Collective Bargaining - Under the School Board-Teacher Negotiation Act

NCJ Number
Date Published
76 pages
This booklet provides general procedural and operational guidelines for use by boards of education and professional employee organizations that operate under the School Board-Teacher Negotation Act, Section 10-153a of the Connecticut General Statutes.
The first section delineates permissible bargaining units, excluded and eligible employees, types of petitions (designation, election, intervention), showing of interest, and election procedures. Guidelines for the selection of an exclusive bargaining representative also are provided. Terms used in negotiation are defined, and the process of good-faith negotiation is briefly outlined. Subsequent sections specify conditions and responsibilities of nonagreeing parties during mediation and mandated arbitration. Appendixes contain the Act and additional regulations, petition forms for teacher and administrator designation and election, a listing of mediation and arbitration panel members, and arbitrator/mediator per diem fee schedules.