NCJ Number
Date Published
46 pages
These guidelines respond to Public Law 100-607, Title II, Programs with Respect to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ("AIDS Amendments of 1988") which requires the Centers for Disease Control to develop, issue, and disseminate guidelines for health and related workers concerning methods to reduce the risk of AIDS in the workplace and the circumstances under which exposure may occur.
The modes of transmission of HIV in the workplace, an assessment of the risk of transmission, principles underlying the control of risk, and risk-control recommendations are outlined. Specific precautions are discussed for health-care workers, emergency medical and public-safety workers, law-enforcement workers, and correctional-facility officers. Information on hepatitis B virus (HBV) is presented because its transmission, prevention, and control are similar to HIV. Employer responsibilities, HIV-infected workers, disinfection, and waste disposal are discussed. Statistics are given on risk and known cases of transmission in the workplace. Tables, references.