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Handicapped Offender - A Selected Bibliography

NCJ Number
W D Pointer
M Kravitz
Date Published
75 pages
This annotated bibliography of materials on handicapped offenders lists 182 English-language titles, including reference works.
The introduction points out that as the personal and legal problems of handicapped offenders have gained public attention, the lack of resources and adequate programs for this special group has become apparent. The rate of mental retardation among prison inmates appears to be greater than in the general population, and the number of physically handicapped offenders is virtually unknown. Both physically and mentally disabled offenders are particularly vulnerable to exploitation by stronger inmates. As a result, correctional officials have asked for alternative programs for handicapped offenders. The bibliographic citations cover all aspects of the criminal justice process: arrest, pretrial evaluation, determination of competency to stand trial, civil versus criminal proceedings, and community and institutional treatment. The separate sections relate to the handicap problem, identification and classification of the handicapped and the link between disability and crime. Also covered are programs and services, personal and civil rights, and deinstitutionalization. An annotated list of reference materials, as well as subject, author, and title indexes are supplied.