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Helicopters Lift Police Services

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 40 Issue: 5 Dated: (May 1992) Pages: 81-83
J Weiss
Date Published
3 pages
Police agencies in Germany use a variety of helicopters for traffic duties as well as for searches for missing persons and offenders and accomplishing other tasks.
Various German states first considered helicopters in the early 1960's. Today they are used as command tools and for observing demonstrations, identifying and documenting offenders during these offenders, and flying emergency personnel and supplies to accident scenes. Traffic and terrain are not problems for helicopters, which also permit the observation of activities that would not be visible from the ground. Transporting politicians is unpopular with crews, but helicopters can also be used to transport witnesses and prisoners to and from court. Helicopters also provide escorts for trains, armored cars, and automobiles; help guard threatened facilities; and conduct discreet or open surveillance of terrorists. Photograph


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