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Helping Victims and Witnesses in the Juvenile Justice System: A Program Handbook

NCJ Number
B B Bourque; R C Cronin
Date Published
204 pages
This handbook is designed to help juvenile justice policymakers, juvenile justice service providers, and victim assistance providers identify victim witness assistance programs that have model approaches, recognize essential and optional program components, decide how to structure and implement programs, and find additional resources.
The first chapter outlines in general terms the types of assistance available to victims of juvenile crime, the unique needs of these victims, and reasons for establishing victim witness assistance programs. The second chapter discusses in detail the key decisions in designing victim witness assistance programs for the juvenile justice system. In their examination of sponsorship, program goals, target populations, services, and resources, the authors refer to model programs in eight locations across the country. The core components of a victim witness assistance program include, inter alia, orientation to the juvenile court, assistance to victims who must testify, crisis intervention, assistance in obtaining restitution, information and referral services, and education and training programs. A separate chapter provides guidelines on planning, implementing, operating, and evaluating effective programs. The final chapter offers information on additional resources. 5 tables