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Histological Estimation of Age at Death from the Compact Bone of Burned and Unburned Human Ribs

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 58 Issue: S 1 Dated: January 2013 Pages: S 135-S 145
Karolina Absolonova, Mgr; Petr Veleminsky, RNDr., Ph.D.; Miluse Dobisikova, RNDr.; Michal Beran, MUDr., Ph.D.; Jarmila Zocova, RNDr.
Date Published
January 2013
11 pages
This study describes the estimation of age at death from the compact bone of burned and unburned human ribs.
This study describes the estimation of age at death from the compact bone of burned and unburned human ribs. Bone samples came from individuals of known age, sex, and cause of death. Each bone was divided into four sections; three sections were burned at 700, 800, and 1000 degrees C. Undecalcified, unstained ground cross sections were photographed, and 28 variables were analyzed in the bones using SigmaScan Pro 5. Age-related as well as heat-induced microstructural changes were found. These changes were often very similar and made estimating the age at death difficult in the burned bones. Differences between the sexes were found in some variables, caused by both aging and also by the different behavior of some variables during burning. Regression equations were developed to estimate age at death for unburned bones (r² = 0.579 and 0.707), bones burned at 700 degrees C (r² = 0.453 and 0.501), and 800 degrees C (r² = 0.334 and 0.340). Abstract published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.