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HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Sexual Behavior Among High School Students

NCJ Number
Family Planning Perspectives Volume: 22 Issue: 6 Dated: (November-December 1990) Pages: 252-255
J E Anderson; L Kann; D Holtzman; S Arday; B Truman; L Kolbe
Date Published
4 pages
Using data from the Secondary School Student Health Risk Survey, this study examined the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS among U.S. high school students and how this knowledge affected their behavior.
The data indicated that 54 percent of all high school students had some form of AIDS education in school. According to questionnaire results, most students knew that HIV is primarily transmitted through sexual intercourse and intravenous drug use. The efficacy of AIDS education was demonstrated as more students who had received instruction gave correct answers on the questionnaire than those who had not received similar instruction. Students who knew more about HIV transmission were less likely to engage in high risk behaviors, such as having multiple sexual partners, and more likely to engage in preventive measures, such as using condoms. 3 tables and 14 references (Author abstract modified)


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