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Homicide Research Working Group's First Five Years: What Has Been Done? What Needs to be Done? (From Nature of Homicide: Trends and Changes - Proceedings of the 1996 Meeting of the Homicide Research Working Group, Santa Monica, California, P 12- 21, 1996, Pamela K Lattimore and Cynthia A Nahabedian,

NCJ Number
R Chilton
Date Published
10 pages
This review of published proceedings and programs of the Homicide Research Working Group (HRWG) indicates the work of the HRWG moves along different tracks and suggests possibilities for additional research.

Over the past several years, the HRWG has focused on different tracks, such as homicide data sets, characteristics of and relationships between victims and offenders, geographic distribution of homicide events, urban and national homicide trends, and specific factors that appear to be linked to homicide. The HRWG has also examined the identification of usable approaches to homicide reduction, the role of television in the production and reduction of violence, and the utility of a public health approach to violence reduction. Another topic considered regularly at HRWG meetings concerns the role of firearms in homicide events. The need to expand discussions on homicide to include contemporary biological and psychological theories of lethal violence is discussed. 4 references and 5 figures