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Homosexuality in Prison - Gay Liberation and the Inmate Code

NCJ Number
W S Wooden; J Parker
Date Published
26 pages

This research study on the effects of prison life upon homosexuals focuses on the behavior and coping strategies of homosexuals in a medium security prison in California.


Formal in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 self-admitted homosexuals, and interviews and extensive case studies were conducted with four pairs of homosexuals involved in ongoing sexual relationships. Statistical data were based on two questionnaires (surveys of sexual behavior) and on observations of the prison scene. Although subtle changes within the prison were noted, sexual assaults, the pattern of forcing sexual favors from newcomers, for homosexuals to be paired for protection remained the common pattern. Except for church services, no organized social groups for gays are provided in the prison. The apparent lack of positive gay identities in prison maintains a social milieu which works to feminize and stereotype homosexuals. For many gays confined to prison, the lack of alternative role models, the apparent apathy of the prison staff, and the neglect until recently of the external gay and straight community to the plight of prison homosexuals appears to maintain a prison environment which exploits homosexuals. From a gay liberationist point of view, prison remains restricted and bleak. The prison environment tolerates homosexuality but does not yet support the formation of a gay subculture or support group. A table, 3 notes and 11 references accompany the report. (Author abstract modified)


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