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How Will Law Enforcement Reduce Community Fear of Crime in Major Urban Areas by the Year 2000?

NCJ Number
R W Riley
Date Published
120 pages
This study examines the urban law enforcement response to community fear of crime and other order maintenance issues not generally considered crime which provoke fear.
The futures portion of the study examines trends and events projected for urban centers. Projections include law enforcement's willingness to address an increasing range of issues, confrontational crime increases, police service tailored to meet the needs of multiethnic communities, and community demands for community-based policing. The forecasts are used to develop scenarios and associated strategic and transition management plans. The purpose of the strategic management plan is to provide direction to law enforcement agencies to reduce public anxiety provoked by crime and the "trepidation effect." The trepidation effect is fear of crime produced by social conditions that do not necessarily generate law violations. Examples of policies developed in the strategic management plan include redefining police service priorities, deploying more police patrols, and pursuing additional funding outside the city budgetary process. The transition management plan identifies a management structure to facilitate change and discusses support technologies that will aid in the transition. 43 endnotes, 8 tables, and 5 charts