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How Young People See School: This is no Ship of Fools (From Preventing Juvenile Crime Conference Proceedings No. 9, 1991, P 21-29, Julia Vernon, Sandra McKillop, eds. -- See NCJ-135877)

NCJ Number
R Slee
Date Published
9 pages
The Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service project, a survey of 13-15 year old students' perceptions of school in Brisbane, Queensland, is described.
Ten students from each level of 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grades from Collongwood Education Center, Fitzroy Secondary College, and Richmond Secondary College participated in the project yielding a total of 20 students surveyed. The project was conducted by the 11th grade Social Studies class from Collongwood Education Center; the students designed, implemented, and evaluated the survey. Issues examined were work skills orientation and education; teaching methods and social development; human relations and social development; school governance, gender, and multicultural issues; and school amenities. The students presented the findings to the State Board of Education and Ministry of Education and other educational agencies. The main outcome of the survey was that the students' needs are not particularly special and in need of individual remediation, but rather require the basics such as recognition of competence, a sense of belonging, a sense of purpose or usefulness of work, and hope for the future. 28 references